Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cleaning it up, changing it up and Kicking A$$!!

This week has been completely insane for me and I've been spending wayyy too much money on food! I went to whole foods Sunday when I was in Baton Rouge and managed to pick up some amazingly fresh and local produce! I also have finally bought a magic bullet blender and all I got to say is "it's about to get real!" I am now able to try out more recipes and really explore the world of clean eating!

My first recipe I wanted to try was from . I made her blueberry Powercake. The recipe has mostly egg whites, flax, blueberries, spinach, and coconut flour. It's really awesome and I topped mine with coconut oil, unsweetened coconut chips, and chia seeds. You are suppose to eat the whole Powercake but I like variety so I ate half of it and paired it with fresh fruit! You all have to try these things, they are genius!

I also started Zumba this past week! So much fun! I hear songs and I immediately start doing choreography in my head. It works my core and I am soaked in sweat when I leave there! Awesome, sweat is fat crying after all! Friday my instructor, Alli, invited me to come run with her and do some lower body... My friends.... It was a slap in the face, I definitely have been slacking in my training! It kicked my booty! Here is what we did:
It was equivalent of a 5k. We ran 1/2 mile, did around 30-40 walking lunges. Ran another 1/2 mile, did walking squats. Another 1/2 mile run and did walking lunges and 30 squats with a 30 second hold. And so on varying up the leg workouts and did 6 rounds total. I was good up to the third round then my legs started feeling ultra weighted and my pace slowed. On the last round I actually found myself walking at one point. Alli kept me on my toes though, motivating me to run again. Bottom line; I need better socks so my foot doesn't rub and I need to work on quieting my breathing when I run bc if we were running from zombies, everyone of them boogers would have heard me breathing in a 5 miles radius haha! Also, start training harder and working on interval training so I can keep up with the best!

Happy training this week everyone! Make good choices, hugs not drugs! Love your faces!

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